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Would you like to create a play and learn more about performing? Have you been wanting to make theatre with like-minded individuals?


HIT Helsinki's English speaking community theatre group The Minding People is starting a new project this autumn, and is calling you to join. The process starts with a weekend workshop (25.-27.8.), where the participants create short plays in small groups. Teams will start to work on Friday and perform the plays for each other on Sunday evening. 


After the weekend workshop all those participants that want to continue working and are ready to commit to a longer process, are welcome to join The Minding People. The group will make and rehears a performance during the season and perform it in December (the premier 11.12.2017)

You can be experienced in drama or someone starting from scratch. The working language for the group will be english, but you don’t have to be a native speaker in order to join. The group will be led by performance art professionals and the project offers an introduction into the world of theatre and performance in a supportive environment. The group provides an opportunity to meet and work with like-minded people, brush up on those english speaking skills and most importantly have fun!


Previous projects of
The Minding People
Wonder and Fright

Wonder and Fright

Swan song

Swan song

Workshops and rehearsals will be held in Helsinki Alppila area with easy commuting distances. At the end of the rehearsal period the rehearsals will be held in actual performance venue. Participants will be given more details about rehearsal space when they have signed up for the project.

Premier for the performance will be on the 11th of December and is followed by seven shows during the week 50.

The project is led by theatre director Anna Jaanisoo. 

Jaanisoo has taught drama, writing and directing since 2008 in various institutes around Helsinki. Her main competences are in group processes and participatory methods. In the project, Jaanisoo is responsible for dramaturgy and directing.

Full cost of the weekend workshop are 70€.  Please see full details from ”SIGNING UP”. 

Fri 25.8. at 19:00-21:00 / Alppila, Helsinki

Sat 26.8. at 10:00-18:00 / Alppila and Tervasaari, Helsinki

Sun 27.8. at 10:00-20:00 / Alppila and Tervasaari, Helsinki

Workshop: 25.-27.8.

Rehearsals: 29.8.-10.12. 

(on Tuesdays at 19-21 and on Wednesdays at 17-19 

and during one weekend 9.-10.12. at 15:00-19:00)

Premier: 11.12.2017
Other Shows: during the week 50.


See here more detailed schedule.

Sign up for the workshops here: Sign up!

Participants will be chosen in the order which they sign up, and there is a limit of 15 participants for the project.

The workshop fee is 70€. You will get payment details in a confirmation email after we have received your sign up. Workshop fees will not be returned should the participant cancel their sign up later!


y-tunnus: 2337431-2

HIT Helsinki yhdistys ry

Karjalankatu 2 

00520 Helsinki

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